Jasmine yesterday at the park waiting for her sisters soccer game to start, posing for me when she would much rather be swinging on the giant tyre swing, so I had to stoop to bribery to shoot this ;)
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
This girl has a beauty inside and out, she does all manner of things to brighten my days and drive me crazy all at the same time, she makes me smile, she makes me laugh out loud, she takes me to the highest of highs and then we have been to the lowest of lows, together. She has a spirit like you would not believe, she is a fighter, she loves to love and she loves to laugh, her strength is her heart, her energy and her lust for life ...... she is my joy, she is my Jasmine;)
Although I do truly see a lot of beauty in the on set of the Winter months, in particular the fall, I still cannot help but feel a little sadness at having to let go of the Summer months now that the Winter is beginning t take a hold. This is made all the more apparent now as we are all struggling with some kind of flu, strep throat, head cold type bug which seems to have me and my girls very much in its grip right now. This picture brings back memories of those long lazy days we enjoyed over the Summer months, days that seemed endless as if they would go on and on, but alas they did not and here we are on the brink of the Winter months. We will take comfort in them once the flu has gone and the fun of the holiday season has us in its grip and before we know it everything will be coming back to life with the onset of Spring and we will be ready for those long Summer days again.
Sunday October 4th and Jasmine's School Walkathon. This is Jasmine and her friend Sonja waiting for the walk to begin. All the kids in the school walk around as many times as they can in 1.5 hours going through two checkpoints per lap. They are sponsored and raise money for the school. Jasmine and Sonja walked 38 times around the school beside each other every step of the way!
I made this apple tarte today for hubs birthday (42 shhhhh) it was good, a Nigella recipe which I will think about posting later ;) x
Leek, potato, and smoked haddock soup from Gordon Ramsey fast food, I will post the recipe later ;) x